Vanity Fair Magazine Art of Fantasy Lifestyle of Wealthy 1920s

  • Seller image for The book of beauty for sale by Ad hoc Art

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    Demi-percaline. Condition: Assez bon. Pas de jaquette. Ed. originale. 67 pp. + 27 planches, In-4� (220 ten 280 mm), demi-percaline rose. Edition originale. 27 planches photographiques hors texte et de nombreux dessins en noir dans le texte. Ouvrage en anglais. Envoi sign� de l?auteur sur la premi�re garde�: ��To my dearest Elsie ? / With much Love from / Signature / 1931��. Elsie est peut-�tre l?actrice Lily Elsie repr�sent�e sur la planche photographique n� V�? Il manque la jaquette et le frontispice en couleurs repr�sentant ��Queen Alexandra�� (il a �t� arrach� du verso de la page de imitation titre en emportant un tiers de cette page), plats salis, brochage et papier en bon �tat. Rare envoi de Cecil Beaton. [Cecil Beaton, de son vrai nom Sir Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton, voit le jour au sein d?une famille anglaise riche le fourteen janvier 1904 � Londres. Son p�re avait repris 50?affaire familiale de bois et �tait acteur amateur � ses heures perdues. Il avait d?ailleurs rencontr� sa m�re alors qu?elle jouait le premier r�le dans une pi�ce de th��tre. Cecil Beaton est �lev� par sa nurse qui avait un appareil photograph et lui en montra les rudiments. En 1916, � l?�ge de 12 ans, il se voit offrir un appareil photographique et ses premi�res photos seront celles de ses s?urs, Nancy et Barbara. Il d�veloppe ensuite les photos dans le sous-sol de la maison familiale. Durant sa scolarit�, Beaton �tudie l?histoire, l?art et 50?architecture au coll�ge St John de Cambridge et continue la photographie en parall�le. En 1925, il quitte le coll�ge sans dipl�me et son p�re le fait travailler dans fifty?affaire familiale mais cela ne dure que peu de temps. Entre-temps, Cecil Beaton constitue un anthology qui lui permet de faire une premi�re exposition dans une galerie � Londres en 1926 et de se faire conna�tre. Objectif atteint, il signe un contrat avec la version britannique du magazine Vogue en 1931 et travaille �galement cascade la revue de mode Harper?s Bazaar et sera photographe pour Vanity Off-white. Cecil Beaton a une mani�re diff�rente des autres de photographier : il installe ses modernistic�les dans un d�cor � la fois somptueux, parfois bizarre mais aussi fait de bric et de broc et dont le rendu �tait toujours tr�s chic. Il commence �galement � se faire conna�tre au-del� des fronti�res, notamment en France o� il photographie Coco Chanel, Elsa Schiaparelli, ses amis intimes, Jean Cocteau et Pablo Picasso. Puis, il part outre-Atlantique pour immortaliser les plus grandes stars hollywoodiennes de 50?�poque : Greta Garbo, Johnny Weissmuller, Frank Sinatra, Marlon Brando � l?aube de sa carri�re, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly ou encore Marilyn Monroe. De toutes ces photos et portraits, il en fera des albums publi�s quelques temps plus tard comme The Book of Beauty (1930), Persona Grata (1953) et It Gives Me Great Pleasure (1953). En 1939, Cecil Beaton devient le photographe officiel de la famille royale d?Angleterre. Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il sert au Minist�re britannique de 50?Information. Son r�le consiste � couvrir les combats dans la zone de l?Afrique et de l?Asie en tant que photographe. Il ram�ne �norm�ment de clich�southward notamment des pilotes de gainsay de la Royal Air Force ainsi que des reportages de la population britannique pendant la guerre. Toutes ces photos seront publi�es dans un livre intitul� Winged Squadrons en 1942. Apr�s la guerre, Cecil Beaton recommence � r�aliser des portraits puis �tend son activit� en devenant d�corateur pour le th��tre et le cin�ma. En 1956, il travaille � la conception des costumes cascade la premi�re version de My Lady Fair avec Julie Andrews puis � la deuxi�me avec Audrey Hepburn avec laquelle il remportera fifty?Oscar du meilleur costume en 1964. Il est �galement r�compens� en 1958 avec Gigi de Vincente Minelli puis en 1970 cascade Coco, une com�die musicale avec Audrey Hepburn. D?autres r�compenses suivront et, en 1972, il devient Commandeur de l?Ordre de 50?empire Britannique. Il s?appelle d�sormais Sir Cecil Beaton. Deux ans plus tard, Beaton a une attaque qui le laisse paralys� du c�t� droit mais y rem�dice en a. Sign� par fifty'auteur.

  • Seller image for Tales of the Jazz Age. for sale by Raptis Rare Books, ABAA/ ILAB

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    Tales of the Jazz Age is a collection of xi short stories past F. Scott Fitzgerald. Divided into iii separate parts, according to subject matter, information technology includes one of his better-known short stories, "The Curious Instance of Benjamin Button". All of the stories had been published earlier, independently, in either Metropolitan Magazine, Saturday Evening Post, Smart Set, Collier's, Chicago Sunday Tribune, or Vanity Fair. Includes the story, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which was the basis for the film bearing the aforementioned name, starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett.

  • Seller image for Tales of the Jazz Age. for sale by Raptis Rare Books, ABAA/ ILAB

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    Tales of the Jazz Age is a collection of eleven short stories past F. Scott Fitzgerald. Divided into three separate parts, co-ordinate to subject affair, information technology includes 1 of his meliorate-known short stories, "The Curious Example of Benjamin Push button". All of the stories had been published earlier, independently, in either Metropolitan Magazine, Saturday Evening Post, Smart Set, Collier's, Chicago Sun Tribune, or Vanity Fair. Includes the story, The Curious Case of Benjamin Push button, which was the ground for the film bearing the aforementioned name, starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett.

  • Seller image for GEORGE BERNARD SHAW for sale by Andrew Cahan: Bookseller, Ltd., ABAA

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    Vintage gelatin silver contact print photograph 10 x eight inches. Slight silvering along the edges, calorie-free wear at the corners and a subtle dimple nigh the lesser. Blindstamped "Nicholas Muray, New York" near the bottom right corner. Stamped in ink on the blank contrary "Photograph By MURAY" and "MRS. NICKOLAS, 2401 RIVER RD., PT. PLEASANT, NEW Bailiwick of jersey." Very good. This vintage portrait has remarkable shadow detail and a total and rich tonal range. Vanity Fair commissioned Muray to photo Grand. B. Shaw in honor of his seventieth birthday. The portrait session produced 23 negatives. A similar portrait from this sitting was reproduced in the magazine, Nov, 1926.

  • Seller image for Candide Or All For The Best With 10 Etchings By Clara Tice. for sale by D & E LAKE LTD. (ABAC/ILAB)

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    two Parts in 1 [continuous pagination]. pp. 119, [1]blank], [title leaf], 123-182, [7]index. with half-title. titles in red & black. ten paw-coloured etchings by Clara Tice. tissue guards with legends. contemporary full dark cherry morocco, front end comprehend & spine busy with 3 aureate-stamped nudes after designs by Tice, t.e.g., others uncut (a few gatherings roughly opened, lower edge of 1 plate scrap tatty). First Edition with Illustrations by Clara Tice [1888-1973], Express to one thousand copies, this 1 of 250 on deckle-edge Pannekoek paper (copy unnumbered). This is an exact reprint of the earliest English text, printed in Holland by the firm of Johann Ensched� En Zonen of Haarlem, which was founded in 1703. It was entirely set up past hand from type cast past the Dutch printing house from original Didot matrices. Clara Tice was famous for her bohemian dress and lifestyle, her dadaist affiliation and her nudes. In 1915, Tice "became an overnight sensation" when ane of her early exhibitions, at Polly due south Eating house in Greenwich Village, drew the venom of anti-vice crusader Anthony Comstock. Tice was later to remark that Comstock "was some press agent". Frank Crowninshield, editor of Vanity Fair magazine, where Tice was subsequently employed for a cursory period every bit a staff creative person, published photographs of Tice s nudes and announced a mock trial to be held in her defense, to which the public was invited to act as the plaintiff s attorney, witness, jury, and judge. "She will be tried and therefore acquitted of the charges of having committed unspeakable, black atrocities on white paper, abusing slender bodies of girls, cats, peacocks and butterflies." (Naumann, New York Dada 1915-23, pp. 117-xx).

  • Seller image for The works of William Makepeace Thackeray [complete in 22 volumes] for sale by MW Books Ltd.

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    1st Edition in this course. Very good all in the original, gilded-blocked calf over marbled boards. Spine bands and panel edges somewhat dulled and rubbed as with age. Corners bumped. Pinnacle edges gold. Remains specially well-preserved overall. Provenance: from the library of Robert Cooper with his bookplate to the front end pastedown of each volume. ; 8vo viii" - 9" tall; Description: 22 v. illus., plates, fronts. ; 22 cm. Contents: v.1-2. Vanity Fair, a novel without a hero --v.3-four. History of Pendennis --5.5-6. Newcomes, memoirs of a near respectable family unit --v.7. History of Henry Esmond --v.viii-9. Virginians --5.10-xi. Adventures of Philip on his way through the globe shewing who robbed him, who helped him, and who passed him by --five.12. Paris sketch book of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh ; and The memoirs of Mr. Charles F. Yellowplush --v.13. Memoirs of Barry Lyndon written by himself; with the history of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty Diamond --5.14. Irish sketch book and notes of a journeying from Cornhill to M Cairo --five.15. Book of snobs; and sketches and travels in London v.16. Burlesques: Novels past eminnet hands ; Jeames'due south diary ; Adventures of Major Gahagan ; A legend of the Rhine ; Rebecca and Rowena ; the history of the next French Revolution ; Cox's diary --v.17. Christmas books of Mr. One thousand.A. Titmarsh ; Mrs. Perkins's ball ; Our street ; Dr. Birch ; Kicklebury's on the Rhine ; Rose and the ring --five.18. Ballads and tales --5.xix. Four Georges ; Tthe English humourists of the eighteenth century --v.xx. Roundabout papers (from the Cornhill magazine) to which is added The 2nd funeral of Napoleon --five.21. Denis Duval: Lovel the widower and other stories --five.22. Catherine: a story ; Little travels ; The Fits-loot papers, etc. etc. Subjects: Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811-1863) -- Collected works -- English literature -- 19th century -- Fiction. 10 Kg.

  • Seller image for The Biographical Edition of The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray for sale by Rooke Books PBFA

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    Leather. Condition: Very Good. Various (illustrator). An attractive 13 volume gear up of the Thackeray's works, in very attractive leather bindings of Bayntun of Bathroom, and with frontispiece plates and illustrations throughout. This item edition contains biographical introductions by Thackeray's daugher, Anne Ritchie. The set contains the following works: Book I: Vanity Fair Volume 2: History of Pendennis Volume Three: The Memoirs of Mr Charles J. Yellowplush, The History of Samuel Titmarsh and The Great Hoggarty Diamond Volume IV: The History of Henry Esmond and The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon Volume 5: Paris Sketch Book and Irish Sketch Book Book Vi: Contributions to Punch Volume VII: Henry Esmond Volume Eight: The Newcomes Volume IX: Christmas Books Book 10: The Virginians Volume 11: Adventures of Philip Volume XII: The Wolves and The Lamb, Lovel the Widower and Rounabout Papers and Denis Duval Book XIII: Ballads and Miscelleanous Essays William Makepeace Thackeray (18 July 1811 24 December 1863) was an English novelist of the 19th century. He was famous for his satirical works, particularly Vanity Fair, a panoramic portrait of English society. He worked for Fraser'due south Mag, a abrupt-witted and sharp-tongued bourgeois publication, for which he produced art criticism, curt fictional sketches, and 2 longer fictional works, Catherine and The Luck of Barry Lyndon. From 1837 to 1840 he also reviewed books for The Times. Later, through his connection to the illustrator John Leech, he began writing for the newly created Punch magazine, where he published The Snob Papers, afterward nerveless equally The Book of Snobs. In the early on 1840s, Thackeray had some success with ii travel books, The Paris Sketch Book and The Irish Sketch Book. He achieved more recognition with his Snob Papers (serialised 1846/7, published in volume grade in 1848), but the work that actually established his fame was the novel Vanity Fair, which first appeared in serialised installments beginning in Jan 1847. Even before Vanity Fair completed its serial run, Thackeray had get a celebrity, sought later on by the very lords and ladies whom he satirised; they hailed him as the equal of Dickens. On 23 December 1863, after returning from dining out and before dressing for bed, Thackeray suffered a stroke and was found dead in his bed in the morn. His decease at the age of fifty-ii was entirely unexpected, and shocked his family, friends, and reading public. An estimated 7000 people attended his funeral at Kensington Gardens. He was cached on 29 December at Kensal Greenish Cemetery, and a memorial bosom sculpted by Marochetti can be found in Westminster Abbey. Contains the bookbinders' characterization of W.M. and A. of Westminster to each pastedown. In decorative half-morocco bounden with gilt detailing and cloth covered boards. Externally sound, there are slight markings to the boards, some balmy wear to the extremities and joints, too as sunning to backstrips. Internally, the pages are by and large firmly bound and are vivid and clean throughout, aside from the odd spot. All the volumes bar one, two, seven, nine and twelve are missing their decorative front free endpaper and the half-title page of volume five is partially discrete, and there are remnants of a bookplate to the endpages of volume eleven. Very Adept. volume.

  • Seller image for The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray Vols. I-14 for sale by Attic Books (ABAC, ILAB)

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    Hardcover. Status: Very good +. New Century Library. 7 vols.: [6], 784, seven, 913; 7, 928, vii, 556; [7], 312, six, 7-352, 171, 9, sixteen, seven-177, 230, 182; x, [one], 559, [4], seven-9, [2], 598; [eight], 928, [8], 744; [vi], 3-618, [13], 3-310, [6], 341; eight, 616, viii, 639 p. 16 cm. Bound by Rivi�re in total tan calf leather. Spines decorated in gold with raised bands and burgundy and chocolate-brown labels. Boards and fore-edges ruled in gold. Gold-tooled inner dentelles. All edges gilt. Marbled endpapers. A little light staining to boards. Slight chip to spine head of vols. v-6. Bindings stamped by Riviere and Son. Besides a small stamp for Wm. Tyrrell Co., Toronto in each book. Nonetheless a gorgeous set. The works of the prolific Victorian author include: Vanity Off-white; Pendennis; The Newcomes; Henry Esmond; Paris and Irish Sketch Books; Volume of Snobs; Christmas Books; Burlesques; The Fitzboodle Papers; The Fatal Boots; Men's Wives; The Virginians; Adventures of Philip; Catherine Lovel; The Widower; Barry Lyndon; essays, reviews, contributions to Punch magazine; etc. Jump by the Riviere Company, founded in Bath in 1829. Thackeray'south satire was always precipitous, particularly in his masterpiece, Vanity Fair, a broad portrayal of all English society. The author rapidly became a glory, sought later by the very aristocracy he satirised. He was hailed as the equal of Dickens but the world of Thackeray is more realistic and less sentimental. Lots of good reading here, in truly magnificent bindings.

  • Seller image for The works of William Makepeace Thackeray [complete in 22 volumes] for sale by MW Books

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    1st Edition in this form. Very good all in the original, gold-blocked calf over marbled boards. Spine bands and panel edges somewhat dulled and rubbed as with historic period. Corners bumped. Meridian edges gilt. Remains especially well-preserved overall. Provenance: from the library of Robert Cooper with his bookplate to the front pastedown of each volume. ; 8vo eight" - ix" tall; Description: 22 v. illus., plates, fronts. ; 22 cm. Contents: v.i-2. Vanity Fair, a novel without a hero --five.3-four. History of Pendennis --v.5-6. Newcomes, memoirs of a most respectable family --v.7. History of Henry Esmond --v.8-ix. Virginians --v.10-xi. Adventures of Philip on his way through the world shewing who robbed him, who helped him, and who passed him by --v.12. Paris sketch book of Mr. Grand. A. Titmarsh ; and The memoirs of Mr. Charles F. Yellowplush --v.13. Memoirs of Barry Lyndon written past himself; with the history of Samuel Titmarsh and the swell Hoggarty Diamond --v.14. Irish sketch book and notes of a journey from Cornhill to M Cairo --five.15. Volume of snobs; and sketches and travels in London five.sixteen. Burlesques: Novels by eminnet easily ; Jeames'due south diary ; Adventures of Major Gahagan ; A legend of the Rhine ; Rebecca and Rowena ; the history of the side by side French Revolution ; Cox's diary --v.17. Christmas books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh ; Mrs. Perkins's ball ; Our street ; Dr. Birch ; Kicklebury's on the Rhine ; Rose and the band --5.18. Ballads and tales --v.19. Four Georges ; Tthe English language humourists of the eighteenth century --v.20. Roundabout papers (from the Cornhill magazine) to which is added The second funeral of Napoleon --v.21. Denis Duval: Lovel the widower and other stories --v.22. Catherine: a story ; Little travels ; The Fits-boodle papers, etc. etc. Subjects: Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811-1863) -- Collected works -- English language literature -- 19th century -- Fiction. 10 Kg.

  • Seller image for The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. A Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Q. Anne. Written by Himself for sale by Rooke Books PBFA

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    Cloth. Condition: Very Adept. None (illustrator). Beginning edition. A first edition three book set of Henry Esmond by Thackeray, in the original boards. Scarce and desirable in the publishers original fabric. First Edition. Three volumes, complete. With the 16pp advertisements to the rear of Book III. William Makepeace Thackeray, 1811 ? 1863, was an English novelist of the 19th century. He was famous for his satirical works, particularly Vanity Off-white, a panoramic portrait of English language guild. After his didactics, Thackeray travelled Europe, and then squandered his inheritance on gambling and unfortunate business concern enterprises. He turned to art, which he studied in Paris, merely did non pursue the profession. After marrying Isabella Shawe, Thackeray took to writing and journalism to support himself and his family. His novels became moderately successful, along with his works for magazines such as Fraser"south Magazine, Foreign Quartley Review, Punch and the Morning Chornicle. It was non until later, with the publication of Vanity Fair and Henry Esmond, that Thackeray"s reputation grew. Every bit the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography tells us, information technology is "on Esmond that Thackeray's fame as a historical novelist primarily rests? Fix during the reign of Queen Anne, the novel focuses attention on the English revolution and on the conflicts over succession caused past William 3 and Anne having no surviving children. Henry Esmond, writes his memoirs in the twilight of his years on his estate in Virginia, a property he came to later all the events worth telling about his life have taken place. Possibly the nearly intriguing affair virtually Henry's life is his successive discoveries that what he thought was true, wonderful, and good proves to exist false, disappointing, and even evil? Thackeray once more plays off the narrator's insights against the reader's suspicions, giving readers one of the nearly thought-provoking and unsettling among Victorian novels." Spring in the publisher's original bounden. Externally, smart. The bindings are house. There is balmy wear to the extremities, including mild bumping and discolouration, with marks to the boards and slight loss to the spine labels. The front hinge of volume I is strained. Internally, firmly bound. Pages are generally clean with some slight browning, and the odd spotting and handling marks. Very Adept. book.

  • Seller image for The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray for sale by Rooke Books PBFA

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    Cloth. Condition: Very Good. Richard Doyle (illustrator). A complete prepare of the novels and stories of popular nineteenth-century novelist William Makepeace Thackeray. Including: The Newcombes (In 2 volumes) The Four Georges/The English language Humorists of the Eighteenth Century The Christmas Books of Mr 1000. A. Titmarsh (two volumes) Denis Duval, Lovel the Widower, and Other Stories The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon Esq. Vanity Off-white (in two volumes) The Book of Snobs and Sketches and Travels in London The Paris Sketch Book of Mr One thousand.A. Titmarsh and the Memoirs of Mr Charles J. Yellowplush Catherine: A Story, Trivial Travels, The Fitz-Boodle Papers and Others Roundabout Papers from the Cornhill Mag to Which Is Added The 2d Funeral of Napoleon Burlesques Ballads and Tales Esmond The Irish Sketchbooks/Notes of A Journey From Cornwall to Cairo Philip (in two volumes) The Virginians (in two volumes) Pendennis (in two volumes) Miscellaneous Sketches, Essays and Reviews Contributions to Punch During the Victorian era, Thackeray was ranked 2nd just to Charles Dickens. He was able to satirise whole swaths of humanity while retaining a light affect. Information technology also features his most memorable character, the engagingly roguish Becky Precipitous. As a result, unlike Thackeray'due south other novels, it remains popular with the general reading public; it is a standard fixture in university courses and has been repeatedly adjusted for movies and television. Illustrated by Richard Doyle and by the author with four hundred and seventeen plates, collated complete, and numerous other illustrations in the text. With publisher'southward catalogues to the rear. In Thackeray's own day, some commentators, such every bit Anthony Trollope, ranked his History of Henry Esmond as his greatest work, perchance considering information technology expressed Victorian values of duty and earnestness, as did some of his other later novels. Including additional titles and half-titles bound to the rear of Catherine. Complete in twenty-4 volumes. In greenish cloth bindings with gilt detailing. Externally, generally smart, though with some light wear to the head and tails of the spines. Some rubbing and bumping also. Internally, binding strained in places. Five front hinges are strained. Pages are brilliant and mostly clean, though with some scattered foxing throughout. Many pages are unopened. Very Good. book.

  • Seller image for The Vanishing Half: A Novel (Signed First Printing) for sale by Fine Old Books Coastside

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    Hardcover. Condition: Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Fine. 1st Edition. Signed by writer Brit Bennett in thin black marking on bound-in publisher's signature page, a sure sign of authenticity. Riverhead Books 2020 Signed First Edition, first press with right ISBN on grit jacket. (This is Not the Barnes & Noble book guild edition.) Condition: near fine/fine; unread with slight sunning on pinnacle edge. First country dark blue hardboards with matching dark bluish quarter spine; red-orange press; corners sharp and foursquare; some darker areas on blue boards equally shown in pictures. Text block clean, tight, foursquare, unmarked, unread; slight sunning to top edge. Colorful satin gloss dust jacket, original price on flap; original ISBN on flap; no shelf vesture or other flaws. This is the first country signed first printing; this is NOT the Barnes & Noble book club offer that has a different ISBN on dust jacket flap, has 2-toned blue boards instead of nighttime blue, and has a four folio book guild guide bound-in. Protected in clear archival Brodart wrapper (removable). This book is fully disclosed; no surprises. Even with these slight imperfections this is a truly beautiful and collectible copy of this scarce signed edition. Packaged with intendance and shipped in a box to arrive in all-time condition. Complete satisfaction guarantee; no sale is final until yous are satisfied. 2021 Women's Prize Finalist; #1 New York Times Bestseller; Named in Best Books of 2020 by NYTimes, Washington Post, NPR, People Magazine, Time Magazine, Vanity Fair, Glamour Magazine, and 1 of Barack Obama's favorite books of the year. Moving-picture show rights purchased by HBO in 2020 with an agreement to accept Bennett sign on every bit executive producer. "Reinvention and erasure are ii sides of the same coin. Bennett asks u.s. to consider the pregnant of authenticity when nosotros are faced with racism, colorism, sexism and homophobia. What price do we pay to be ourselves? How many of us choose to escape what is expected of u.s.? And what happens to the other side of the equation, the side we get out behind? The Vanishing Half answers all these questions in this exquisite story of dear, survival and triumph." (The Washington Post). Signed past Writer(due south).

  • Seller image for The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray In Twenty-Four Volumes for sale by Rooke Books PBFA

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    Fabric. Condition: Good Merely. Richard Doyle (illustrator). A set of novels from nineteenth-century novelist William Makepeace Thackeray. Information technology is missing one book. Including The Newcombes (In 2 volumes), The Four Georges/The English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century, The Christmas Books of Mr Thousand. A. Titmarsh (two volumes),Denis Duval, Lovel the Widower, and Other Stories,The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon Esq., Vanity Fair (in two volumes), The Book of Snobs and Sketches and Travels in London, The Paris Sketch Book of Mr One thousand.A. Titmarsh and the Memoirs of Mr Charles J. Yellowplush, Catherine: A Story, Little Travels, The Fitz-Loot Papers and Others, Roundabout Papers from the Cornhill Mag to Which Is Added The Second Funeral of Napoleon, Burlesques, Ballads and Tales, Esmond, The Irish Sketchbooks/Notes of A JourneyFrom Cornwall to Cairo, Philip (in two volumes), The Virginians (in ii volumes), and Pendennis (in ii volumes). During the Victorian era, Thackeray was ranked second only to Charles Dickens. He was able to satirise whole swaths of humanity while retaining a light touch. Information technology also features his most memorable character, the engagingly roguish Becky Sharp. As a result, unlike Thackeray's other novels, it remains popular with the general reading public; information technology is a standard fixture in academy courses and has been repeatedly adapted for movies and goggle box. Illustrated by Richard Doyle and by the writer with four hundred and seven plates, collated consummate, and numerous other illustrations in the text. In Thackeray'due south ain solar day, some commentators, such as Anthony Trollope, ranked his History of Henry Esmond as his greatest work, perhaps considering information technology expressed Victorian values of duty and earnestness, as did some of his other afterward novels. Twenty-three volumes of twenty-four only. In green cloth bindings with gilt detailing. Externally sound, though with some habiliment to the head and tails of the spines. Some rubbing and bumping also. Internally, binding tender in places. Front hinges strained (front hinges of Vanity Fair Book I, Pendennis Volume I and Two and The Virginians Volume I failed, with the textblock of Pendennis Volumes I and Ii and Vanity Fair Volume II detached). Pages take some scattered spotting throughout. Good Only. book.

  • Seller image for Vogue (American) Incorporating Vanity Fair (Magazine), June 15, 1939 - Fashions for Summer for sale by RareNonFiction, IOBA

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    Unmarried Issue Mag. Condition: Practiced. Berard, Christian (cover); Horst; Brucken; Eric; Blumenfeld, John, Augustus; RCR; Kertesz, Andre; Bendel, Henri; De Molas; Frissell, Toni; Durst, Andre; Picasso; Degas; Zola; Hirsch (illustrator). First Edition. 88 pages. Features: Vogue's-Heart View of Summer Fashions; New fashions, pleasures, and politics in Paris today; Waists dwindle at Paris Mid-Seasons - great Horst photos; Murder in the Art Galleries; Ane-page colour portrait of Mrs. Edgar Scott (Number 6 in a series); Cherchez la femme - an illustrated article on lipstick; Beautiful one-page colour-illustrated advertizing for Bergdorf Goodman features lady seated by cabana with white dog; Random notes on waists, women and what-non; Summertime Stock; This Summer's Debutantes - photos of Colette Gay, Mary Steel, Elizabeth Gibson, Rosamund Reed, Marjorie Flagg, Margaret Harper, Mary Filley, Elizabeth Kean, Dorothy Blackwell, Margot Finletter, Ann Wickes, Elizabeth Putnam and Barbara Iselin; Photos and brief write-ups of Barry Fitzgerald, Patricia Collinge, Morris Carnovsky, Hal Sherman and Sam Jaffe; House of Jewels at the Fair - with lovely one-folio colour photograph; Color-illustrated commodity on 'Colour - for the sand and sea'; Gorgeous one-page color photo of model in bluish and white-striped dress in front end of light-green-striped backdrop; State Dinner - skirts or trousers?; Italy sends fashions to the Fair; Young ideas for your dwelling life; Good for your Game - golf style photos; Picasso, Degas and Zola - samples of their photography; Come to Lunch on Sun; Great photos of how a woman should await - and not look - when seeking a job; Two gorgeous one-page photos of models with little waists in dinner vesture; Designs for dressmaking; Shop-hound's Early Crop; Discoveries in Beauty; Augustus John; For Mothers of Tomorrow; Cast on these sweaters; and more. Ads: Color photo ad for Cannon towels inside front cover; Bonwit Teller (shoes); Ii-page advertisement for Lucien Lelong Carefree Perfume and Cologne; Ii-folio ad for the Cunard White Star and its vessel the Mauretania which volition make her maiden voyage from New York on June 30th; Great one-page color-photograph advert for the La Salle five-passenger 4-door touring sedan (green); One-folio photo advertizement for Oldsmobile cars; Imra; Jacqueline Cochran Cosmetics; Fantastic one-page advertising for the new Lastex Heathen Charm Girleiere by Formfit; Campbell's Consomme (Soup); Pond's Cold Cream - featuring photos of Lady Rosemary Gresham of England, the Hon. Ann Schaughnessy in Montreal, Mrs. Robert W. Armstrong of Toronto, the sometime Ann Clark (now a Roosevelt), the Lady Cynthia Williams and Mrs. Nicholas R. du Pont of Wilmington; Gorgeous ii-color one-page ad for Lentheric fragrances; Old Aureate Cigarettes - with photo of World's Fair Gown; Ane-page two-color Helena Rubenstein lipstick advert introduces new colour 'Sporting Pink'; Nice one-page two-colour ad for Bourjois's Mais Oui fragrance; Le Gant's "Sta-upward-Top"; Revlon cream nail enamel; Tasteful leggy one-page ad for Bellin's Wondersteoen magic hair eraser; One-page advertising past Nihon'south Lath of Tourist Industry promotes tourism to that country; Fantastic color advertizing inside back cover features the Lincoln Zephyr 5-12 in a desert scene; Dainty color-photo Fisher Body ad on back cover features seaman standing past lady in cherry-red Pontiac. Faint hand-written proper noun upon front cover otherwise unmarked with moderate clothing. Brusk openings at each stop of backstrip. Binding intact. A sound and complete re-create of this wonderful vintage issue.

  • Seller image for Vogue (American) Incorporating Vanity Fair (Magazine), May 1, 1939 - New York World's Fair Issue for sale by RareNonFiction, IOBA

    Seller Paradigm

    Single Issue Magazine. Condition: Good. Benito (cover); Horst; De Dienes, Andre; Steichen, Edward; Frissell, Toni; De Molas; Platt Lynes, George; Cagle, Howard; Thompson, West; Lagatta, John; (illustrator). First Edition. 140 pages. Features: Iconic Benito embrace analogy welcomes visitors to New York and the World'southward Fair; Welcome to New York; Invitation to the Off-white; Apparel Sense of a Queen; From Queen Alexandra'due south Day; The Queenly Figure; Mrs. Vincent Astor; Coats for the "Yankee Clipper"; World'southward Fair in the "Nineties"; Fruit from Paris - colour illustrations of fruity headwear; Polynesia in Print; Summer Preview in New Orleans; Southern Innocents; Country of Cotton; Vogue's Spot-Light; 5 PM to ii AM - at the Off-white; Photos of French doll Madeleine de Baine, purchased in Paris in 1868; A Wardrobe for visiting the Fair; Town Ginghams; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Miller'southward house; and more. Ads include: Wamsutta Supercale sheets colour photograph within front cover; Tiffany & Co; Fromm Bros. argent pedigreed play a joke on fur fashions; All-time & Co; Bergdorf Goodman; International Silk Lodge; Henry Bendel; McCallum Stockings; Fantastic 1-page color advertizement for Shalimar perfume; Luxite Pantie-girdles; Bonwit Teller; Jaeckel; Van Raalte undergarments; Lord & Taylor; Stetson Tailorite Shoes; Squeamish one-page color illustrated ad for SeaMolds swimsuits by Flexees; Wallace Silversmiths; One-page color advertizing for Red Cantankerous Shoes; S.H. Camp & Company - featuring big illustration of the Camp Transparent Adult female; Macy'southward - Parade of Pants and Petticoats; "Lastex" Yarn; Dupont's Scuffless "Pyraheel" for shoes; Biberman Bros. - feminine frocks; Gansborough Snoodets pilus nets; Vanity Off-white Silk Mills; Pacific Mills; Enka Rayon; Laros Undergarments - lovely one-folio colour-illustrated; Everfast - 1-page colour-photo of model in Guatemalan print; Jacqueline Shoes; Pakables Hats; Vassarette foundations - nice one-folio 2-colour advertising; Kedettes Shoes - nice one-page colour ad; Talon Placket Fasteners - featuring motorcycle cop photo; Saks Fifth Avenue; Frances Denney Make-upward; Elizabeth Arden - squeamish 1-page, two-colour ad; Max Factor; Heel Latch Shoes; Daniel Green Comfy Slippers; Grace Ashley; Dobbs Hats; Jane Engel; Gorgeous colour-illustrated Italian Line ad inside back cover shows charming passengers on deck; Back encompass color-photo ad for Lucky Strike cigarettes features tobacco auctioneer Joe Cuthrell - plus dozens of additional smaller ads. Complete and unmarked with no address label. Moderate wear. Bounden sound. Short openings at each end of backstrip. A quality copy of this magnificent vintage issue.

  • Seller image for Vogue (American) Incorporating Vanity Fair (Magazine), September 15, 1939 - Paris Openings II / Classic Horst Photo of Back-Lacing Corset for sale by RareNonFiction, IOBA

    Seller Epitome

    Vogue (American) Incorporating Vanity Fair (Mag), September 15, 1939 - Paris Openings II / Classic Horst Photo of Back-Lacing Corset

    Crowninshield, Frank; Ford, Ford Madox; Gunther, John; Davis, Luther; Hawes, Charlotte Adams;

    Published by Conde Nast Publications, Inc., United states, 1939

    Beginning Edition

    Single Issue Mag. Condition: Practiced. Berard, Christian (encompass); Horst; Clark; J.P.; Condon, Grattan; Eric; Schall; Durst, Andre; Cagle, Howard; De Molas; Edmundson; Clark (illustrator). First Edition. 160 pages. Features: Faddy views the world of Paris; Paris Openings - Variety Show; From Paris Openings - in America At present; Velvet touchin Paris; Modesty makes history at the Paris openings; Smooth Cossack jackets; total-page photo by Horst of Madame Roger Max-Laubeuf in Lelong's interlaced bodice of grey silk jersey, lame skirt; Romantic Attitutes; Coats of half fabric and one-half fur; Iconic full-page Horst photo of the new Detolle Corset with back lacing from Paris; Colour illustrations of Paquin's Mummy Dresses - that glued-on look; Paris clings to Bailiwick of jersey; Crusade for covered heads; The covered-upwardly look at dinner; The pulled-back look in Paris; Oriental Splendor - with great 1-page color photo; One-page color-illustrated portrait of Miss Pamela Mountbatten by Raymond Kanella - Number 9 in a series; Fashions in Painting; The Duchess of Kent - another Alexandra - twelve side-past-side photos compare/contrast Marina'southward dazzler and chic with Alexandra, Edward VII.'s lovely queen; Turn to Taupe; Hip-lines expand, waist-lines contract; Men who directly British and French films; Dividend dresses - young ideas; Miss Eileen Herrick's disappearing act - photos before and after she lost more than than 20lb; Dinner with Turbot; Depression-slung drapery, bandaged bodices; Color photo of slipper satin looks; Give Me New York. Maybe; Cloth coats for accessories/designs for dressmaking; Store-hound trails for Autumn; New Continental Shoes; Corsets are Paris News; Tavern in Paradise in Bali - photograph-illustrated article of Robert Koke of Kuta Beach; Paris Opening Accessories; Bring Me a Nutrient Idea; Your Spectacles and Your Costume; and more. Ads: Color photo ad for Bates bedspreads inside front cover; Bonwit Teller; Western farsi Lamb; Jay Thorpe; Peck & Peck; Hockanum Woolens - nice one-page color-illustrated scene inside Cartier's jewelry store; I. Magnin; Bond Street - a perfume by Yardley; Henri Bendel; Revlon nail enamel; Milgrin Original; Rothmoor Coats; Neiman-Marcus; Grayflex footwear; De Beers diamonds; Dobbs Hats; Cannon Hosiery; Brauer Bros. Shoe Co.; Germaine Montril; Carter's Foundations; Herald of Fashion; Scuffless Pyraheel (shoe heels); Jaeckel; Talon slide fasteners; Gorham Sterling; Kayser Gloves; Krippendorf Foot Rest Shoes; Houbigant'southward Demi-Jour perfume; Flexees Foundations; Rayon; Mojud Clari-phane stockings; Nettie Rosenstein; Van Raalte Gloves and Stockings; Imra; Huffman Hosiery; Munsingwear Foundettes - nice ane-folio ii-colour advert featuring Hildegarde, Television Daughter No. 1 (as heard on CBS); Florsheim shoes; B.Due west. Cohen, Finerfur, Inc.; Enka Rayon; Ivory Flakes; Gracious Lady frocks; Lastex/Carter'southward Silverskin complete; Two page s of information almost Vogue's 5th Prix de Paris contest for college seniors; Treo'southward Mist lingerie; Matrix shoes; Nice ane-page photograph and illustrated ad for Canadian Pacific's Empress of Britain; Lovely advertizing for Guerlain'due south L'Heure Bleue perfume/parfum; Conmar fasteners; Kallman & Morris; Blotta; Campbell's Soup - featuring well-dressed lady at her desk; Swimming'south ad features photos of Lady Ursula Steward, the Lady Betty Bourke, The Lady Alexandra Haig, The Lady Grenfell and Lady Morris; Stein & Blaine; F. Millot; Nice one-folio colour-illustrated ad for Elizabeth Arden's new Burnt Sugar make-upwards; Naturlizer shoes - illustrated in color; Henri Bendel; Peck & Peck; Beauty Lotion by Germaine Monteil; Primrose Firm Chiffon Powder; McCutcheon's; Revillon Freres; Shulton's Old Spice Early on American Trinket Box; Three perfumes past Bourjois - Evening in Paris, Mais Oui and Kobako; Daniel Green comfy slippers; Vanity Off-white kneelast stockings; Woodbury Creams; Awesome i-page photograph ad for Le Vertige perfume past Coty; Edgar C. Hyman scarfs; Jacqueline Cochran cosmetics; Volupte compacts; Je Reviens perfume by Worth; Harris Tweed; Klafter & Sobel; The H.W. Gossard Co.; Corday'southward Toujours Moi eau de cologne; Customcraft shoes; Lily of France duo-sette; Phil & H. Quinto - Strock fine fabrics; Junior Society Frocks; Helena Rubinstein skin clearing crea.

  • Seller image for Vogue (American) Incorporating Vanity Fair (Magazine), March 15, 1939 - Paris Openings II/Benito Cover for sale by RareNonFiction, IOBA

    Seller Image

    Single Consequence Magazine. Condition: Adept. Benito, Eduardo Garcia (comprehend); Lynes, George Platt; Lagatta, John; Darcy, Lyse; Dahl-Wolfe, Louise; Blumenfeld; Durst, Andre; Eric; Schall; J.P.; Rawlings; Karger; Nyholm; Murray, Edward; Viles; Hirsch (illustrator). Starting time Edition. 132 pages. Features: 36 pages of Paris fashions - Vogue's second affiliate in the Paris Openings story, continued from March i; Vogue's Eye View of the Paris Image; Paris Collections Foam with white; Lingerie accents; Satin Shines; Jewels Jangle at the Openings; Shades of Dark at the Paris Openings - color illustrations by Eric; Bound foxes in Paris; White Ways in Paris; Plumes and Waves Toss on Paris Prints; Paris Collection Costumes yous'll alive in; In Paris the Narrow Way; Coats like dresses (color analogy); Turned-upward Toes, Garter Shoes, Striped Boots - colour illustrations by J.P.; Collection Caviar; Several gorgeous photos by Rawlings; Paris in Print; The two-piece expect in Paris; Paris Dinner-Suits; In the News; I Man's Meat - a dissenting phonation in the New York theatre critic's chorus of praise; One-page photo of Michele Morgan, young star of French picture show "Quai des Brumes" in Chanel lace and satin apparel; Dr. Thomas Mann and His Family unit - photos and article; Leap Cut-outs; Designs for dressmaking; Precious Bibelots; Rare old objets d'fine art accent the firm of Comte and Comtesse Georges de Castellane; Frou-frou or svelte; One-folio colour-reproduction of painted portrait of Mrs. Henry Parish - Number 3 in this series; In Search of Skillful Chat; Four Young Ideals - College Girls, Debutante, Career Girl and Immature Wife; Store-hound on the Lamb; Discoveries in Beauty; Sterling Silverish Facts; A new terminate for erstwhile leathers; Opera pump shoes; Ads: Nice colour-photograph ad for Cannon Towels within front embrace; Bergdorf Goodman; Fromm Bros. furs; Jay Thorpe; Germaine Monteil; Lord & Taylor (Marylyn Monroe lookalike giving 'come here' stare from haystack; British Walkers Shoes; Henri Bendel; Herald of Fashion; Colour-photograph one-page advertising for La Salle cars (featuring a purple motorcar); Color-photograph i-page ad for Gainsborough facial powder; Jane Engel; Magnificent two-page photo ad for I. Magnin & Co.; Carter's Underthings; Prince Matchabelli;; Gowns and Stockings by Van Raalte; Bien Jolie Foundations/Corsettes - Lastex; Lovely colour-illustrated one-folio advert for Hockanum Woolens features man and ladies feeding swans; Mojud Clari-phane Silk Stockings - featuring photo of Paramount Fashion Designer Edith Head, and Hollywood Designers Howard Greer and Travis Banton; Tyless Shoes - with zippers; Laros Textiles 1-page ad features colour illustration by John Lagatta of lady in peach-colored slip; Heel Latch Shoes; Formold Foundations; Kayser; Berkshire Stockings; *Gorgeous* 1-page color ad illustrated by Lyse Darcy for "Vol De Nuit" past Parfum de Guerlain; Colour ad for Naturalizer shoes; Kislav gloves; Carter's Foundations; Talon slide fasteners; Walk Over Shoes; Foundettes by Munsingwear - swell one-page photo advertising; Pes Saver Shoes; Huffman Hoisery; Conmar slide fasteners; Loxol - makeup for your hair; Not bad 2-page sepia-tone photograph ad for Rollins runstop stockings; American President Lines; German Railroads; Krippendorf "Human foot Residuum" Shoes; Oldsmobile photo ad with fashion-conscious young ladies; Classy Lentheric Parfumeur one-folio ad featuring paradigm of Madame La Comtesse Gaston de La Rochefoucauld; Lovely illustrated advertising for Lentheric'due south a bientot parfum; Flexees Foundations; Townwear Stockings; Cafe Rico - photo-illustrated ad for this Puerto-Rican coffee make described every bit "the later on dinner coffee of royalty"; Peck & Peck; Campbell's Soup - spring soups; Stein & Blaine tailored suits; Helena Rubinstein - one page color-illustrated ad for her new romantic pastel make-up; Angelus Lipstick; Chisterfield Cigarettes - colour-photograph advertising features cropped image of model with reddish had and gloves; Peggy Sage Polish; Wimbledon Hats; Le Gant "Sta-up-Top"; Elizabeth Arden - the fine art of powder blending; Frances Denney of Philadelphia; Old Gold cigarettes; Gorham sterling cutlery; B and B Liqueur; One-page colour-illustrated advertisement for Chrysler features model in Madam Suzy lid and Henri Bendel dress - with an orange automobile; Neat col.

  • Seller image for The Vanity Fair Book for sale by William Chrisant & Sons, Inc. ABAA, ILAB

    Seller Image

    Condition: Very Good. Second Press. Blueish material boards with very deficient dust jacket now protected in mylar. It showcases an array of Vanity Off-white's best written texts and photographs in blackness and white throughout. An unusually make clean re-create with no previous owner'southward names or other markings. Very good jacket protected copy with but light fading to peripheral boards and spine. 10 x 13 in.

  • Seller image for LaChapelle Land: Photographs by David LaChapelle (First Edition) for sale by Vincent Borrelli, Bookseller

    Seller Image

    Hardcover. Status: As New. 1st Edition. Kickoff edition, start printing. Hardcover. Photographically illustrated laminated newspaper-covered boards, no grit jacket as issued, contained in a photographically illustrated laminated paper-covered box. Photographs and text by David LaChapelle. Includes a list of plates and an additional iv-page illustrated "LaChapelle State Map" insert with black and white thumbnail reproductions of the page layouts and plate captions. Volume designed by Toshiya Masuda, box designed by Tadanori Yokoo. 152 pp., with 131 four-color full-bleed plates (including numerous two-folio spreads) and boosted color and black and white illustrations, beautifully printed on fine glossy newspaper (from separations by Richard Benson) by Palace Press International under the supervision of True Sims and Raoul Goff. Book fourteen-ane/iv x 11-1/4 inches; box 14-5/eight 10 11-9/16 inches. This showtime edition was issued as numbered copies stamped on the underside of the box (this being number 14134). [Cited in Andrew Roth, ed., The Volume of 101 Books: Seminal Photographic Books of the Twentieth Century. (New York: PPP Editions in association with Roth Horowitz LLC, 2001).]. As New. A beautiful Mint copy in a Mint box. From the publisher: "The acclaimed Book of 101 Books: Seminal Photographic Books of the Twentieth Century recognizes David LaChapelle's 1996 LaChapelle Land every bit its 101st book. And rightly and so. The marriage of LaChapelle's vivid, high-octane images with graphic artist Tadanori Yokoo'due south supersaturated designs make for an astonishing physical object. 'There's a tradition of celebrity portraiture that attempts to uncover the 'existent person' behind the trappings of their celebrity. I am more interested in those trappings,' says LaChapelle. Indeed, he exaggerates the artificiality of fame and Hollywood civilisation in a head on collision of color, plastic, and whimsy. His photographs face up our visual taste and challenge our ideas of celebrity, all the while taking united states of america on a roller coaster ride through his hyper-sensationalized milky way. Lil' Kim becomes the ultimate condition symbol, tattooed in the Louis Vuitton pattern. Madonna rises from pinkish waters equally a mystical dragon princess. Pamela Anderson hatches out of an egg; and Alexander McQueen burns down the castle dressed as the Queen of Hearts. David LaChapelle'southward uncompromising originality is legendary in the worlds of mode, movie, and advert. His images, both bizarre and gorgeous, accept appeared on and in between the covers of Vogue, Vanity Off-white, Rolling Stone, Vibe and more than. LaChapelle State is fun park America gone surrealistically wrong - merely in such an attractive manner. David LaChapelle's photos take appeared in Vanity Fair, Details, French Faddy, The Confront, Detour, The New York Times Magazine, Arena, and on MTV. The images [LaChapelle] creates are part sex, part satire, role fantasy--in a word, outrageous. This 'heed-blowingly lavish compilation' features portraits of Drew Barrymore, Leonardo DiCaprio, Faye Dunaway, Andy Warhol, Tupac Shakur, Bang-up Pumpkins, and many more. Packaged in a beautiful box designed by the legendary Japanese graphic creative person Tadanori Yokoo, this volume offers a truly entertaining visual experience.".

  • Seller image for Valentino : una grande storia Italiana [Seller's sample edition. "Not for Sale" ; Number "0000" ] for sale by CALVELLO BOOKS

    Seller Prototype

    Hardcover. Condition: very good. Seller'southward sample edition. Big folio in white silk and cotton textile backed boards; 733 p. : chiefly ill. (some col.) ; 48 cm. In English language, French, German and Italian. || "This luxurious limited-edition publication renders homage to Valentino's illustrious career via a copious choice of images from his archives, including drawings, magazine shoots, advertisements, portraits of Valentino, and documentary photographs; presented chronologically, the visual textile is accompanied past a vast array of newspaper and magazine articles about Valentino throughout the years. Text besides includes Vanity Fair writer Matt Tyrnauer'southward interviews with twenty of Valentino's closest collaborators and friends equally well as an appreciation of Valentino by International Herald Tribune'due south fashion writer Suzy Menkes."� "Publisher. || The trade ediition was limited to 2,000 copies, each numbered and signed past Valentino Garavani. Still this sample copy, which is unsigned, is incomparably more scarce, though we do not know to what extent, in that simply a scattering of such copies were presumably issued. || **Shipping is actress and charged at cost. An extremely large and heavy detail. Weighs almost 20 lbs before packing. Please contact us in advance ** || Contents: Keeper of the couture flame / by Suzy Menkes -- The house of Valentino: an oral history / by Matt Tyrnauer and Matt Pressman -- La straordinaria storia di Valentino Garavani: the sixties -- Donne, basta pantaloni! the seventies -- Va-va vavoom! the eighties -- Rome: the dolce vita is back - the nineties -- Tutte le strade portano a Roma: the 21st century -- Valentino's world -- 45 years of style - drawings & dresses -- Translations. || Way designers -- Italy -- Biography. Costume design -- Italy -- History -- 20th century. Lacks the original clamshell box and has some soiling and spotting to boards. Aside from small smudges and stains to boards, this is a tight and, overall, very good copy. However, being that it is a seller'south sample re-create, the championship page clearly states "Not For Sale" and the stated limitation number is "0000". Additionally, pages 177- 369 have been intentionally left blank, making this a rather odd exemplar.

  • Seller image for Newmarket. Tattersall's 1887 for sale by Argosy Book Store, ABAA, ILAB

    Seller Image

    Lib (illustrator). Colour lithograph. Sheet measures xv ten 21.5." This lovely impress from the Dec 6, 1887 event of Vanity Fair depicts an English paddock scene. A crowd of spectators and buyers surround the enclosure where a equus caballus is being displayed. Tattersall'due south (now Tattersalls), founded in 1766, has been the chief auctioneer of race horses in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and in Republic of ireland. The print is in proficient condition with minor habiliment along the original folds and some foxing in the margins. The British Vanity Off-white (1868--1914), a compendium and often critique of Victorian culture, is best known today for its lithographed caricatures of gimmicky figures and bug. Its portrait series pictured and described--with both praise and caricature--prominent Victorian and Edwardian politicians, lawyers, doctors, and similar professionals. Their images, often accompanied literary and political articles, cultural reviews, serialized fiction, and other standard weekly magazine features. Every bit the publication grew, it turned increasingly toward gossip equally a topic.

  • Seller image for Man of the Day, No. 2314. Thomas Woodrow Wilson, Ph.D., Litt.D, LL.D., President of the United States for sale by Argosy Book Store, ABAA, ILAB

    Seller Image

    W. Hester (illustrator). Color lithograph. Sail measures 15 1/iv" x 9 v/8". This 'Man of the Day' portrait features Dr. Woodrow Wilson, President of the U.s.a., engraved by creative person Wallace Hester. The accompanying text, written by Jehu Junior, notes the President'south full proper name, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, and describes him as "strong, make clean-minded, and simple". Inferior writes that Wilson, "a lawyer, a writer, a College President, a Land Governor", is "locally known every bit an authorisation on economic and political affairs." He likewise notes the portrait's likeness to British statesman Joe Chamberlain, suggesting an intentionally choice by the artist. The print is in good condition, with small dings throughout. Small-scale closed tear to left margin, non affecting the epitome. Text printed above and below the image. Xerography of text included.The British Vanity Fair (1868--1914), a compendium and often critique of Victorian civilisation, is best known today for its lithographed caricatures of contemporary figures and issues. Its portrait series pictured and described--with both praise and caricature--prominent Victorian and Edwardian politicians, lawyers, doctors, and like professionals. These images, besides as other series of portraits, accompanies literary and political articles, cultural reviews, serialized fiction, and other standard weekly magazine features. As the publication grew, information technology turned increasingly toward gossip as a topic, as reflected in the long-running serial of portraits.

  • Seller image for Jacqueline for sale by The Cary Collection

    Seller Epitome

    Hardcover. Condition: Very Good. Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good. SIGNED by RG, Photography Ronald Edward Galella (January ten, 1931 April 30, 2022) was an American photographer, known every bit a pioneer paparazzo. Dubbed "Paparazzo Extraordinaire" by Newsweek and "the Godfather of the U.Due south. paparazzi culture" by Time mag and Vanity Fair, he is regarded past Harper's Boutique as "arguably the most controversial paparazzo of all fourth dimension". He immortalized many celebrities out of the public eye and gained find for his feuds with some of them, including Jacqueline Onassis and Marlon Brando. Despite the numerous controversies and claims of stalking, Galella'south piece of work was praised and exhibited in fine art galleries worldwide and he was cited by Andy Warhol every bit his favorite photographer. Sheed and Ward, Inc. [200] pp. 1974 11.25" 10 8.75". Signed past Illustrator(s).

  • Seller image for ART DECO] Vanity Fair. November, 1932 : the "Hitler" issue. for sale by Douglas Stewart Fine Books

    Seller Image

    New York : Cond� Nast Publications, Inc., November 1932. Large quarto format (325 ten 250 mm), original pictorial wrappers, the front end cover designa lampoon of Adolf Hitlerby Italian artist Paolo Garretto; 72 pp, illustrated in colour and black-and-white; the wrappers have some very light handling wear, and the paper spine is chipped in a few places; contents make clean and sound. Like the front comprehend of Vanity Fair'south October 1932 issue, which featured a grotesque extravaganza of the fascist dictator Mussolini by Mexican creative person MiguelCovarrubias, the cover of its November 1932 issue has achieved notoriety for Italian creative person Paolo Garretto's anti-Nazi depiction ofAdolf Hitler. At the time, Hitler was not yet in ability: he would not become Chancellor of the Reichstag until January, 1933. 'When the editors of Vanity Fair sat downward to programme the layout for their November 1932 embrace, they probably had just ane thing on their minds: How can we top our Mussolini cover? Peradventure the Oct issue of that yr sold like hotcakes; perchance Mussolini was the Jennifer Aniston of his 24-hour interval. Whatever the case, Frank Crowninshield and his cadre of magazine minds decided Hitler was the perfect follow-upward to Il Duce, and Vanity Fair?s fascist 2-punch will forever get down every bit one of the near bewildering back-to-back cover choices in this magazine?s history.' (Vanity Fair) Italian Artist Paolo Garretto (1903-1989) was a prolific commercial artist specialising in caricatures for magazines and poster design, in a career that stretched from the late 1920s in Italia to the early on mail service-war period. He worked in Paris, Berlin and London before existence invited in October 1930 by editor Clare Boothe Brokaw to become a regular contributor to Vanity Fair. Like Covarrubias, in the 1930s Garretto produced many memorable coverslampooning prominent personalities of the day, for non simply Vanity Off-white, but also The New Yorker, Fortune and House & Garden. During World War Two, Garretto was treated by the United States government as an enemy alien and was deported to Italy, where his anti-fascist and anti-war views - not to mention his Vanity Off-white caricature of Hitler - meant that he was very much out of favour with the government. He refused to produce caricatures of Roosevelt and other Centrolineal leaders for Fascist propaganda posters and was interned as a political prisoner in Republic of hungary from 1942 until the end of the war.

  • Seller image for Vicar General. Vanity Fair, April 10, 1902 for sale by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., ABAA  ILAB

    Seller Paradigm

    "Vicar General" Spy (Ward, Sir Leslie [1851-1922]). "Vicar General." Vanity Off-white, April ten, 1902. 12-1/iv" x 7-1/2" (image size) color lithograph, matted and glazed in attractive 20-i/two" x xiv-iii/4" wooden frame. A few minor nicks to frame, light toning to margins with slight fading to caption, paradigm vivid. $450. * This charming lithograph, number 750 from the "Statesmen" serial, depicts Charles Alfred Cripps, 1st Businesswoman Parmour [1852-1941], a jurist and pol known for his strong support of the Church of England and the League of Nations. Vanity Fair was published weekly from 1869 to 1914. It is best-known today for its caricatures of notable people and satirical depictions of current events. Ward was the magazine'southward dominant artist.

  • Seller image for Portrait photograph of Mrs. Gilbert (Amanda) Seldes for sale by James Cummins Bookseller, ABAA

    Seller Prototype

    Condition: Fine. ane vols. Approximately thirteen-i/two x 11 inches. Gilbert Seldes -- critic, editor, novelist, playwright, screenwriter -- was the first American intellectual to lend legitimacy to pop culture; yet as well fewAmericans recognize his name or appreciate his influence, according to Michael Kammen, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian at Cornell. Kammen has written the first Seldes biography, The Lively Arts: Gilbert Seldes and the Transformation of Cultural Criticism in the Us (Oxford University Press, 1996). Educated at Harvard, he became the New York correspondent for T.S. Eliot's Criterion in London and wrote 1 of the start American reviews of James Joyce's Ulysses for The Nation. When not socializing with the Fitzgeralds, Picassos, Joyces and Stravinskys, Seldes worked as managing editor of The Dial, the almost influential literary magazine of its time. But in The 7 Lively Arts, he presented a then-radical thesis: that vaudeville, musical revues, movies, jazz and comics should be taken as seriously as the ballet or the opera. Seldes became the nation's most ardent "cultural democrat," championing Charlie Chaplin, Al Jolson, Irving Berlin, George Gershwin, the Ziegfeld Follies and George Herriman's comic strip "Krazy Kat" in columns for emerging "middlebrow" publications similar The Sat Evening Post, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair and Esquire. 1 vols. Approximately 13-1/2 x xi inches.

  • Seller image for Notorious for sale by The Cary Collection

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    Hardcover. Condition: Fine. No Jacket. 1st Edition. Herbert Ritts Jr. (August 13, 1952 Dec 26, 2002) was an American manner photographer and director known for his photographs of celebrities, models, and other cultural figures throughout the 1980s and 1990s. His work concentrated on black and white photography and portraits, often in the way of classical Greek sculpture, which emphasized the human being shape. Early life and Career Built-in in Los Angeles, to a Jewish family, Ritts began his career working in the family furniture business organization. His male parent, Herb Ritts Sr., was a businessman, while his mother, Shirley Ritts, was an interior designer. He moved to the East Declension to nourish Bard College in New York, where he majored in economics and fine art history, graduating in 1975. Later on, while living in Los Angeles, he became interested in photography when he and friend Richard Gere, then an aspiring actor, decided to shoot some photographs in front of an quondam jacked up Buick. The picture gained Ritts some coverage and he began to be more serious virtually photography. He photographed Brooke Shields for the cover of the October 12, 1981 edition of Elle and he photographed Olivia Newton-John for her Concrete album in 1981. Five years later he replicated that comprehend pose with Madonna for her 1986 release Truthful Blueish. Ritts was openly gay. Afterward notable photographs During the 1980s and 1990s, Ritts prominently photographed celebrities in diverse locales throughout California. Some of his subjects during this time included Cher, Elizabeth Taylor, Vincent Toll, Madonna, Denzel Washington, Johnny Depp, Ronald Reagan, David Bowie, Courtney Love, Liv Tyler, Matthew McConaughey, Britney Spears, Bj�rk, Michael Jackson, and Mariah Carey. He also took many way and nude photographs of mode models Naomi Campbell, Stephanie Seymour, Tatjana Patitz, Christy Turlington, and Cindy Crawford, including "Tatjana, Veiled Head, Tight View, Joshua Tree, 1988." Ritts' work with those models ushered in the 1990s era of the supermodel and was consecrated past ane of his most celebrated images, "Stephanie, Cindy, Christy, Tatjana, Naomi, Hollywood, 1989" taken for Rolling Stone Mag. He also worked for Interview, Esquire, Mademoiselle, Glamour, GQ, Newsweek, Harper's Bazaar, Rolling Stone, Time, Faddy, Attraction, Vanity Off-white, Details, and Elle. Ritts took publicity portraits for Batman, Batman Forever, and Batman & Robin which appeared on mag covers and merchandise throughout the 1990s. He published books on photography for fashion designers including Giorgio Armani, Revlon, Ralph Lauren, Chanel, Gianni Versace, Calvin Klein, Elizabeth Arden, Donna Karan, Cartier, Approximate, Maybelline, TAG Heuer, Lacoste, Gianfranco Ferr�, Levi'south, Victoria's Secret, Gap, Acura, CoverGirl, Lanc�me, and Valentino. From 1996 to 1997 his work was displayed at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, alluring more than than 250,000 people to the exhibit, and in 2003 a solo exhibition was held at the Daimaru Museum, in Kyoto, Nihon. Music videos The first video he directed was Madonna in "Cherish" in 1989. In 1991, he won ii MTV Video Awards for his work on music videos by Janet Jackson and Chris Isaak. Ritts besides directed the music video for Michael Jackson's "In the Cupboard", which featured supermodel Naomi Campbell, likewise as Jon Bon Jovi's music video featuring Cindy Crawford for "Please Come up Domicile For Christmas". Ritts also worked on other projects, including directing and acting, on Mariah Carey's "My All"(1997), Jennifer Lopez'due south sepia video "Ain't Information technology Funny", Janet Jackson'southward Design of a Decade: 1986 1996 (1996), Intimate Portrait: Cindy Crawford (1998), Murder in the Offset (1995), Britney Spears' "Don't Allow Me Be The Concluding To Know" (2001), and Shakira's "Underneath Your Wearing apparel".

  • Seller image for Fermina Marquez. for sale by Livres et Collections

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    Couverture souple. Condition: Bon. Gravures sur cuivre de Chas Laborde. xv eaux-fortes en couleurs hors texte dont la couverture.�dition illustr�e, tir�e � 364 exemplaires. Celui-ci (N�82) un des 300 sur papier verg� de Rives.A Paris, �ditions �mile-Paul Fr�res - 1925 - 183 pages.Broch� sous couverture rempli�e illustr�e. Couverture l�one thousand�rement tach�e. Petite fente du papier au dos. Pas de rousseur. Bon �tat. Format in-4�(25x19).Chas Laborde, pseudo de Charles Laborde, (1886-1941), Chas Laborde a contribu� � la plupart des journaux de son temps comme Le Rire, L'Assiette au Beurre, Le Sourire (magazine), La Ba�onnette, la Gazette du Bon Ton, Comedia (journal), Der Querschnitt, Vogue, Vanity Fair (periodical), La Chronique movie�due east du mois, Paris Toujours, Le Courrier fran�ais, Le Crapouillot, Le Figaro, Paris-Midi, Paris-Soir.Fermina Marquez est un roman de Valery Larbaud (1881-1957), paru en 1911 aux �ditions Fasquelle. En 1950, le jury du M prix des Meilleurs romans du demi-si�cle le place au nombre des douze meilleurs romans de la premi�re moiti� du XXe si�cle. Compar� aux amours de fifty'boyhood, il est souvent compar� au grand Meaulnes d'Alain Fournier. Edition illustr�e.

  • Seller image for Test Cricket". J. B. Hobbs. Vanity Fair Supplement. Men of the Day. No. 2283 for sale by Antipodean Books, Maps & Prints, ABAA

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    Condition: Very skillful overall. Full length chromolithographic portrait of the famous batsman, published August 7th, 1912. John (Jack) Hobbs was an English professional cricketer who played for Surrey (1905 - 1934). He too represented England in 61 Examination matches (1908 - 1930) and is idea to be the greatest opening batsman in cricket history. Vanity Fair was an English magazine that published satirical caricatures from 1868-1914. These handsome chromolithographs are prized for their portraits of of import scientists, sportsmen, judges & politicians. With page of descriptive text. Approximately 8 x 14", matted.

  • Seller image for The Owl A Miscellany for sale by Rooke Books PBFA

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    Hardback. Condition: Expert But. Various (illustrator). First edition. A scarce poesy journal edited by Robert Graves, illustrated in color and black and white throughout. The 2d book of only two always published. With contributions by Baring, Beebohn, Bianco, Blunden, de la Mare, Freeman, Graves, Crisset, Kent, Lindsay, Lutyens, Nash, Nichols, R. Nicholson, Due west. Nicholson, Rickword, Sassoon, Shanks, Squire, Tomlinson, Turner and Woods. Illustrations past F. Vincent Brooks, a major British lithographic firm almost widely known for reproducing the weekly caricatures published in Vanity Fair magazine. Robert von Ranke Graves (1895 - 1985) was an English language poet, scholar, translator, writer of antiquity specialising in Classical Greece and Rome, and novelist. During his long life he produced more 140 works. Graves's poems - together with his translations and innovative analysis and interpretations of the Greek myths, his memoir of his early life, including his part in the Showtime World War, Bye to All That, and his pseudo-historical report of poetic inspiration, The White Goddess - have never been out of impress. In an illustrated paper covered bounden. Externally, generally sound. Light wear to extremities and backstrip missing, previously reinforced with tape. With slight loss to paper and slight marks to boards. With evidence of past worming to boards and throughout. Forepart hinge strained. Internally, mostly firmly spring although strained in places. Pages are bright but with occasional spotting and marks and slight foxing to endpapers. Good Simply. book.



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