How Long Will Beef Broth Last Unfregorated

Organic Beef Bone Broth
What is the shelf life of beef broth, and how to store it properly?

Indeed you are familiar with the question "does beef broth go bad" if you are a person who often uses beef broth for dishes. Beef broth is obviously an essential ingredient for soups, stews, or other liquid-based dishes.

But do you know that you can use other things to replace beef broth in case you are short of them? In fact, chicken, fish, pork, or vegetable broth is an acceptable solution in place of beef broth.

Besides making the taste more attractive, the broth also allows you to create more unique dishes when you know how to combine skillfully. With beef bones as the main ingredient, you can easily mix with other spices to create new flavors of beef broth.

Since it takes a long time to cook beef broth, people tend to cook a significant amount. However, when this amount of beef broth cannot be used up in a meal, storing it correctly is essential.

This article will give you all the information about beef broth, including preparation, expiry date, storage, and essential telltale signs. I hope your cooking will become more convenient.

Let's go!

Quick Answer – The Shelf Life Of Beef Broth

Bone Broth Made Beef
How long will your beef broth keep its quality?

The shelf life of beef broth varies greatly, from a few days to several years, depending on the type of beef broth and how it is stored.

Unopened canned beef broth can be used within 3-5 years, depending on whether you keep it in the kitchen cabinet or refrigerator. For opened canned beef broth and homemade beef broth, it's best to consume it within 4 days.

Many factors affect the shelf life of beef broth, such as the cooking process and the added seasonings, etc. Therefore, the usage time may vary from case to case. Below I will introduce the most basic general information that you can apply to most beef broths.

How Long Does Beef Broth Last?

How Long Does Beef Broth Last In The Pantry?

To increase the shelf life of commercially manufactured beef broth, it is prepared in a clean and aseptic atmosphere. If properly stored and the packaging is not destroyed, these goods may be edible after the expiration date has passed.

To decide what to eat, look at the "best before" or "best by" date. This is a best-guess date provided by the manufacturer to ensure that the product is kept in top condition with proper storage.

An unopened store-bought can of beef broth survives 3 to 5 years in your cupboard if adequately maintained, thanks to preservation chemicals.

When a can of beef broth is opened, it will be affected by environmental influences, reducing its shelf life. In this case, I don't recommend you to keep it in the pantry. To be more specific, it can still be usable, but the quality may not be very stable.

As for the homemade beef broth, I don't recommend keeping them in the kitchen cupboard as it doesn't contain preservatives. I believe you don't want your beef broth to go bad quickly.

How Long Does Beef Broth Last In The Fridge?

In general, storing in the refrigerator does not extend the shelf life of beef broth too much compared to keeping it in the kitchen cabinet, but it is still recommended. The environment in the refrigerator can limit some of the adverse effects on beef broth quality.

If the canned beef broth has been opened, even if it's refrigerated, you should only use it within 4 to 5 days. The rapidly decreasing shelf life may surprise you, but keep this in mind for a delicious meal with quality beef broth.

Like opened canned beef broth, homemade beef broth only has a shelf life of about 3 to 4 days, even when stored in the best-grade freezer food container in the refrigerator. Therefore, you should only cook a sufficient amount of beef broth for a few days to avoid waste.

How Long Does Beef Broth In The Freezer?

If you want to keep beef broth longer, you may want to consider freezing it. The temperature in the freezer can inhibit most bacteria in food, thus keeping the freshness of beef broth for several months.

For store-bought beef broth, freezing can keep it for half a year. If you are interested in the shelf life of homemade beef broth, the answer is that you can keep it in the freezer for about 2 to 3 months.

How To Tell If Beef Broth Is Bad?

Beef broth is a nutrient-dense liquid made from boiling beef bones and vegetables, brimming with germs and microorganisms. It will inevitably spoil, especially if stored incorrectly. So how do you know if the beef broth has gone wrong? Here are some signs.

Unpleasant Smell

Good beef broth often has an attractive characteristic aroma. If your beef broth has an unpleasant sour smell, that's an easy sign that it has gone wrong. Don't try to taste and fix it because it's no longer good enough to be used in dishes.

Changed Color

Usually, beef broth has a slightly dark color characteristic of beef. If you see a color change, such as darkening and blue spots, you should throw it away. The color change reflects the properties of beef broth that have been poorly altered, posing a health risk.

The beef broth, green or greenish-brown, is generally unsafe to eat and a sign of putrefaction. Beef broth with a shiny curd on the surface also often goes terrible, as this indicates that bacteria have broken down the fat in the meat.

Leaking Or Bulging Cans

The canned beef broth is pretty durable, but if the can is impacted, deformed, or leaked, you should not continue to use it.

During transportation and storage, the cans may have been bumped, affecting the quality of the beef broth. In addition, expired beef broth cans also have these markings, so you should throw them away.

Can I Freeze Beef Broth?

Freezing beef broth is also a way to preserve this broth for a long time. This is especially useful with homemade beef broth to avoid waste.

There are many ways to perform freezing. You can use a small container or ice tray. When you just need a tiny bit of broth for a dish, the ice cubes make it simpler to take.

If you want to make it even easier, you may freeze the broth in a freezer-safe container. Before using the broth, make sure it has been securely thawed in the refrigerator.

Let the beef broth cool completely before freezing, as sudden temperature changes can affect its texture. An important note when freezing beef broth is to leave space in the container or jar to change the volume of beef broth when freezing does not break the container.

If you want to eliminate the fat, chill the soup until it solidifies on top. It's simple to remove this manner, and the broth may then be frozen in your preferred container.

How To Make Beef Broth?

Saucepan Bouillon Ladle
Beef broth does not require any advanced cooking techniques, but it does take a long time to reach the best flavor.

All the countries that are famous for their cuisine always use broth as a base for their dishes. However, do not mistake beef broth for beef consomme. They are different foods that share one common feature as both can create delicious dishes which make diners crave.

What You Need?

Cooking Beef Broth Onions
The ingredients for making beef broth are varied and can be flexible according to your taste.
  • Beef broth, beef bones
  • Some other spices such as onions, garlic, and minced ginger. You can use garlic powder as well, or try other garlic powder replacements for this dish if you don't like garlic taste. Remember to taste while adding them into your broth.

Detailed Instruction

Bee Broth
You will need to follow the instructions to make a delicious beef broth.

How to cook the beef broth in the right way, delicious and rich to attract people to eat is the concern of many people, especially beginners. Here are my suggestions on how to make delightful beef broth at home that you can refer to.

Step 1: Prep Bones and Beef

This preliminary processing is critical to help your beef broth have an unmistakable, delicious taste, so you should not skip it. Put beef bones in salt water for about 1 to 2 hours to clean. During the soaking time, use food wrap to seal to avoid flies.

After soaking, you wash the bones, put a pot of clean water on the stove to boil, put the beef bones in the pot, and simmer for about 2 to 3 minutes. This step will help remove the bone odor and residual dirt.

Step 2: Prep the Remaining Seasonings

Wash onions, garlic, and ginger with salt water to remove dirt and bacteria. For a flavorful and rich beef broth, roast or grill these spices.

Step 3: Cook Beef Broth

Beef bones, after being grilled or bare through the boiling water, you put in the pot to boil for about 3 to 6 hours, depending on your preference. When it's half-baked during this stewing time, you need to put in the appropriate seasonings of carrots, celery, onions, and herbs and simmer until done.

After the stew is finished, let it cool, filter the residue, then you can bottle it for later use. This broth is incredibly fragrant and naturally sweet, and because it is stewed with many bones and vegetables, the broth will be slightly thick when cooled.

Now you are so ready to make your favorite crockpot soup with beef broth. So let's turn on your kitchenware and prepare the warmest and comfort food ever.

How to cook beef broth quickly with detailed instructions.

Watch this video: How To Cook Beef Broth Quickly

How To Store Beef Broth?

Beef Broth On Kitchen
Knowing how to store beef broth properly will help you limit food waste and time-consuming.

The way of preservation also dramatically affects the shelf life of foods; the beef broth is no exception. Here are some tips to keep in mind to keep your beef broth at its best.

Keep It In A Cool And Dry Place

The low humidity and airtightness are the perfect environment for bacteria to grow and affect food. (1)No matter where you keep the beef broth, make sure it's stored in a cool, dry place.

If you only want to use beef broth for a few hours, you can completely keep store-bought beef broth in the kitchen cabinet without putting it in the refrigerator, as long as your kitchen cabinets meet this condition.

Refrigerate Or Freeze If You Plan To Keep It For A Long Time

A dry kitchen cabinet can keep your beef broth for a few hours, but it won't help if you want to store beef broth for a more extended period. In this case, consider using a refrigerator or freezer. These two methods are especially recommended for homemade beef broth.

Cover It Up

Sealing the jar of beef broth will partially protect it from the invasion of bacteria as well as other influences from the environment. You can use plastic wrap, but it's best to use clean jars with lids. This also prevents your beef broth from catching odors from other foods in the refrigerator.

Using the best freezer containers is the right way to store beef broth from leaks and odors.


With the complete information provided, I believe that many of your questions have been answered. For your convenience, I have listed more frequently asked questions about beef broth below.

Can Expired Beef Broth Be Used?

For commercially canned beef broth, the answer is yes. The date printed on the product usually indicates the recommended period for best quality. After this point, it can still be used commonly if there are no signs of damage, as I mentioned.

Are There Any Precautions When Reheating Beef Broth After Storing It In The Refrigerator?

Just like how you heat soups, there are no special rules for reheating beef broth. You just need to pay attention to stir the beef broth in the pot to heats evenly.

Do not reheat over high heat immediately, as sudden heat changes can affect the texture of the beef broth. Please use low to medium heat.

How Long Are Dishes Prepared With Beef Broth Good For?

In general, the shelf life of dishes made from the beef broth is not too long. Soups usually stay good for 3 to 4 days. To prolong the time, you might consider freezing them.

Does Using Stale Beef Broth Affect My Health?

Consuming spoiled beef broth can cause health problems such as diarrhea and vomiting.(2) Solutions of drinking warm broth or glucose electrolyte solutions are often used. If you develop severe symptoms, you may need to be hospitalized and given intravenous fluids.

Should Beef Broth Be Left Overnight?

The beef broth should not be left overnight as it will be affected by bacteria from the environment. You should only leave it for a few hours if you don't want it to spoil quickly. If you're going to use the remaining beef broth for the next day, put it in the refrigerator.

Take Advantage Of This Information For A Great Experience With Beef Broth!

A substantial stew or a cup of comforting hot soup can't be made without beef broth. It has a strong flavor that complements your food.

Whether you make your beef broth at home or buy it at the store, you'll end up with leftover broth since you seldom utilize the whole can or pot of soup.

As a result, it's critical to understand whether beef broth has gone wrong. Consumption of spoilt soup will only result in a variety of health problems.

I've covered storage, freezing, shelf life, and spoiling of beef broth in this article. Check out my website for additional information on those cooking issues.

I am delighted that my article can make your cooking experience more accessible. If you have any questions or want to discuss this further, don't hesitate to let me know in the comments. I always welcome your comments and feedback as a great source of motivation.

Does Beef Broth Go Bad


  1. 2021. Food safety and storage – Better Health Channel. [online] Available at: <>.
  2. Healthline. 2021. Diarrhea and Vomiting: Causes and Treatments. [online] Available at: <>.


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